Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Summer isn't so bad after all. For one, I had a lot of time to sleep but didn't get any decent one for I sleep mostly during the day. Hehe... Weekends we're the busiest, we often go out with my family some place where we can go swimming or we go to weddings, child dedications, including funerals where we wake-hopped one night and etcetera, etcetera. I like weddings, I attended two, I missed out 3 I think. I like munching through the buffet tables of course, I had been an expert in being at the first in the buffet lines, and sometimes I get to proxy on weddings as a scripture reader, a candlestand, a waiter/photographer/usher but never the groom. =( Moving on, I was desperately trying to gain weight that's why wedding receptions are good for me, whenever there's an opportunity to chow, I was there. I try not to miss my work outs, I dunno if it's working for me though. I watch a lot of Anime, never read a book in ages coz I might prolly be reading a lot this coming semester. Movies, I prefer DVDs. I went to visit my Buddy twice at St. Luke's, she had a vasectomy, I mean appendectomy. Hehe... I was invited to spend a few days with my friends house in Tagaytay, the weather is good and the view is majestic. From there, we went to Puerto Galera. I got a record breaking 160km/h on the freeway, 20knots on the boat, and 60km/h on a tricycle ride going to the market which we almost had a heart-attack.

Had a funny experience.

We asked a boy how far is the market from where we're staying.

"Dun lang po mga 50mtrs. lang po mula dito. Pointing on the opposite direction.

" Wow! Ayos ah! Pedeng engineer tong batang to ah!"

"Oh tara, malapit lang pala e." I took of my shirt grabbed my videocam and went on. After a few meters we came across a road. Strange, we didn't see any market, only a tricycle terminal.

"Brod, san dito ung palengke?"

"Ah, ayun po.", pointing on two small sari-sari stores behind us."

"Eh, san po ung bayan na may palengke?"

"Ah malayo pa...mga 7kms."

"Nyak!" We hopped on the tricycle and went to the market. The tricycle ride was the scariest ride I've ever experienced so far. When we got off I was pretty dazed and fidgety. From there my friend suddenly noticed something.

"Brother, nakahubad ka pala?" "Wah! Nakalimutan ko si Astroboy!" "Sumakay kasi kayo agad ng tricycle e!" So that's why everybody was staring at me. We got back to the resort and was feeling really muggy already. I changed on my floral shorts and crashed on the beach.

That night, I lied on the beach and stared at the stars. Nagising na lang ako kasi may araw na pala...Wah! Dive ulit! Sa dagat na ang hilamos at mumog tutal patay ang bad breath ko nyan sa alat ng tubig. Swim, dive, ride on the waves, and sight seeing (if you know what I mean). Hehe! Back again in Tagaytay the following day we spent that entire evening in a restaurant/karaoke bar where we sang the night away. From there we had view of the cove down below everytime lighting strikes and lights up the sky. We got up late the following day and spent the day at home eating and biking. Too bad it was Saturday, I missed out Matt's wedding because we were still tired too travel back home.

Family Sunday, we had our worship held at a resort in Bulacan. With still sands in my shorts I went swimming again in the pool. When we got back home I was really tired and sleepy. Summer wasn't so bad after all! =D It's back-to-school time for me now...for the Nth time. ;)


Blogger kapihan sa kanto said...

jolex buddy! vasectomy! baka ikaw! :P you or paldo ;)

8:58 AM  
Blogger boy okoy said...

Nonetheless it was successful! ;P Hehe...

12:07 AM  
Blogger kapihan sa kanto said...

buddy! check my blog, i tagged you ;)

6:15 PM  
Blogger boy okoy said...

Ok. Cool... ΓΌ

7:18 AM  

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