Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I was supposed to join my relatives today in Boracay for a 3-day vacation at the island but unfortunately I had to remind myself of my responsiblities at school. This morning while I drove my grandparents to meet up with the rest of my relatives I really felt that I'm gonna miss a lot if I'd be left behind, so when I got home I tried to book myself on an afternoon flight to Kalibo. Still apprehensive, I wasn't sure whether or not I'd take that flight. Later this morning when I got to school I consulted my friends about the idea and they gave me a good advice not to go. Though my reason for coming is mainly to bond with them, still I had to consider the pros and cons. I'd miss out an exam tomorrow and my midterm exams this Thursday. That means I have to take a special exam and pull my grades up on the next half of the semester. I prayed and the Lord said, "Stay." So what I did when I got home is sleep and studied my lessons. There will be another time and another opportunity. I wonder what are they doing right now? ^_^


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