Friday, June 01, 2007


My summer duties didn't turned out to be good and so is my grade. Bummer. I almost convinced myself to transfer to another school to finish my last year. I worried too much about a lot of things about our school and how am I supposed to graduate next year? As a God given talent I should say, I don't worry too much about things, sometimes it scares me when I don't worry. Is it normal for people to worry? I think so at times. I badly needed a break. I had too many complaints and rantings about my school and its blowing up my top. I was able to attend a summer Youth Camp Extra Extra Challenge II in our church. Up in the mountains of Antipolo I was able to release my apprehensions. It was a way for me to be silent with God once more and to hear His still small voice. It turned out to be a blessing for all of us who went there, specially Xandy, who finally decided and surrendered herself to Christ. It was the most awesome thing that day! The angels were singing! That's how imagined things. It was an amazing sight on our last day when we were called to commit ourselves to Christ, everyone stood up, walked towards the altar and was prayed for by Pastor Ronel. And on Sunday, a handful of people were chosen including Xandy were asked to share their testimony and their experience during the youth camp. It doesn't end here, Kuya Gerry invited us to come over to his place in Tagaytay and spend a night at their rest house. Oh yeah! Free food, free ride, free accomodations and even free toll fees, but I had to drive his pick up though, couldn't use my car. Anyway, we went around eating, relaxing and even visited Caleruega. It's a place with a church on top of a hill. It was a very solemn and serene, but not until we came. Picture dun, picture jan, pose dun, pose jan. Bag of Beans, its a bakery where they sell yummy bread. Very nice ambience. (Buddy you should try and visit it!) We thought of going to Puerto Galera but the weather isn't too good. Maybe next time. Now its time to face the music once more... 10 more months to go.


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